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Battle of Britain Timeline

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During 1940 the Luftwaffe carried out its campaign to destroy the Royal Air Force, and its infrastructure, so it could achieve air superiority over Southern England, as a precursor to a German invasion, codenamed Operation Sealion. Known as the Battle of Britain, it was a pivotal moment in the Second World War, as with the failure by the Luftwaffe to achieve its aims, the Germans suffered their first major defeat and were unable to launch an invasion.

When war broke out in September 1939 after the German invasion of Poland and subsequent occupation by Germany and the Soviet Union there then followed a period of relative calm as no major land operations were undertaken by either side, known as the 'Phoney War'. This ended abruptly on the 9th April 1940 with the German invasion of Denmark and Norway, followed the next month by the German advance west into France and the Low Countries. This timeline covers the period from 10th May 1940 to the 31st October 1940 and includes a number of Battle of Britain facts.

Jump to
Prelude to Battle (10th May 1940 - 9th July 1940)
Phase One – Channel Shipping Targeted (10th July 1940 - 11th August 1940)
Phase Two – The Royal Air Force are Targeted (12th August 1940 - 6th September 1940)
Phase Three – The Blitz Begins (7th September 1940 - 30th September 1940)
Phase Four – The Battle Reaches Its Conclusion (1st October 1940 - 31st October 1940)
RAF and Luftwaffe aircew and aircraft losses during the battle
The Battle of Britain Ends, The Blitz Continues (1st November 1940 - 11th May 1941)

Prelude to Battle
10th May 1940 - 9th July 1940

10th May 1940

Neville Chamberlain resigns as Prime Minister and is replaced by Winston Churchill, who at that time is First Sea Lord of the Admiralty. On the same day France, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg are invaded by Germany, with Luxembourg occupied the same day. This was the first phase of the invasion plan devised by Germany for Western Europe and was known as Case Yellow.

As part of the German invasion of Belgium, they attack a number of airfields, including Schaffen Airfield and Brustem Airfield. This saw the Belgian Air Service lose a number of their Hawker Hurricanes, Gloster Gladiators and Fiat CR.42 Falcos. Whilst during the invasion of the Netherlands 55 Junkers Ju 52 troop transports are intercepted by a flight of Fokker D.XXIs of the Dutch Army Aviation Brigade who shoot down 37 of the Ju 52s.

Nine Armstrong Whitworth Whitleys comprised of four from No. 77 Squadron and five from No. 102 Squadron target road and rail communications in Kleve, Germany.

Order of Battle
British Air Forces in France - 10th May 1940

11th May 1940

In the morning the Belgian Air Service is in action when nine Fairey Battles, with an escort of six Gloster Gladiators, target a number of bridges over the Albert Canal in north east Belgium.

Hurricanes of No. 87 Squadron intercept two Junkers Ju 87 formations over Belgium. In the ensuing combat they claim ten Ju 87s shot down, with the squadron losing two aircraft and both pilots. While during a Luftwaffe attack on its airfield at Conde-Vraux, France, No. 114 Squadron has six of its Bristol Blenheim Mk IVs destroyed with the rest suffering damage.

Labour agree to join a coalition government with Winston Churchill as Prime Minister. This will include, to begin with, a war cabinet made up as follows:

Winston Churchill  -  Prime Minister and Minster for Defence
Neville Chamberlin  -  Lord President of the Council
Clement Attlee  -  Lord Privy Seal
Viscount Halifax  -  Foreign Secretary
Arthur Greenwood  -  Minister without Portfolio

12th May 1940

Whilst attacking the Veldwezelt bridge, Belgium a Fairey Battle of No. 12 Squadron is shot down. This sees two of the three man crew, Flying Officer Donald Garland (pilot) and Sergeant Thomas Grey (observer) become the first Royal Air Force recipients of the Victoria Cross during the Second World War (1939 - 1945) when they are posthumously awarded one (read the citation). Leading aircraftman Lawrence Reynolds (wireless operator/gunner) was also aboard the aircraft and died.

The Boulton Paul Defiant performs its first operational sortie over Europe, when six Defiant Mk Is from No. 264 Squadron are in action over the Netherlands. The Supermarine Spitfire is also used over Europe in the fighter role for the first time, when six Spitfire Mk IAs from No. 66 Squadron link up with the Defiants.

13th May 1940

Armee de l'Air Dewoitine D.520s see combat for the first time, Groupe de Chasse I/3 claim three aircraft for no loss.

Queen Wilhelmina, her family and the Dutch cabinet evacuate to London. For the next five years they will be the Government in exile, meanwhile Winston Churchill makes his first speech to the House of Commons as Prime Minister:

I hope that any of my friends and colleagues, or former colleagues, who are affected by the political reconstruction, will make allowance, all allowance, for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act. I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

14th May 1940

The French front at Sedan, in the north of the country, is broken by the Germans. In response the RAF sends its last 71 Fairey Battles and Bristol Blenheims to attack troops and pontoon bridges in the area, 5 Blenheims and 35 Battles are lost. After 77 of the 118 Battles sent on sorties since the 10th May are lost, the type is to mainly operate at night from now on.

On the same day the Dutch Government orders Major Henri Gerard Winkelman, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Netherlands, to surrender Luftwaffe bombers are on their way to Rotterdam, despite calling off the raid some aircraft don't get the order, as a result over 800 civilians are killed as around 50 Heinkel He 111s bomb the city.

In his first speech as Secretary of State for War, Anthony Eden issues an appeal asking for people to volunteer to join the Local Defence Volunteers on the same day the Ministry of Aircraft Production is formed and Lord Beaverbrook is appointed its minister it takes control of the Civilian Repair Organisation.

15th May 1940

At 10:15 the Royal Netherlands Army surrenders. Later that evening a force of 99 RAF Vickers Wellingtons and Armstrong Whitworth Whitleys bomb the Ruhr, Germany and the industrial targets there.

16th May 1940

Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding Commander-in-Chief of Fighter Command writes to the Prime Minister Winston Churchill requesting that no more fighter squadrons are sent to France.

The decision is taken that de Havilland Tiger Moths and North American Harvards of Training Command will be fitted with bomb racks in case of invasion.

17th May 1940

Flying from RAF Watton, twelve Blenheim Mk IVs from No. 82 Squadron are sent to Belgium to attack German troops, eleven are shot down.

19th May 1940

As the German advance continues Allied Comander-in-Chief Maurice Gamelin is replaced in the role by Maxime Weygand whilst any Royal Air Force aircraft in Belgium are ordered to leave and the RAF component of the British Air Forces in France begins to be evacuated back to the UK.

Lord Gort, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, issues an order requiring troops to withdraw towards port cities such as Dunkirk, France.

Winston Churchill broadcasts to the British public for the first time as Prime Minister:

I speak to you for the first time as Prime Minister in a solemn hour for the life of our country, of our empire, of our allies, and, above all, of the cause of Freedom. A tremendous battle is raging in France and Flanders.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

20th May 1940

With the military situation in Europe worsening, plans, led by Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay, begin to be drawn up to evacuate troops from Dunkirk, France, codenamed Operation Dynamo.

21st May 1940

Gloster Gladiators of No. 263 Squadron flying from HMS Furious (47) return to Norway and will be based at Bardufoss along with six Supermarine Walrus flying boats of No. 701 Naval Air Squadron.

Adolf Hitler brings up the possibility of invading the United Kingdom.

22nd May 1940

The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1940 is approved by Parliament.

23rd May 1940

Nos. 54 and 74 Squadron become the first Spitfire squadrons to come up against the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in combat. This sees their Spitfire Mk IAs engage Bf 109Es of I./JG 27.

Equipped with Gloster Sea Gladiators, No. 804 Naval Air Squadron of the Fleet Air Arm arrives at RNAS Hatston, where it will serve as part of Fighter Command until September. One of two Fleet Air Arm squadrons loaned to Fighter Command for the battle.

24th May 1940

The process to begin the evacuation of Allied troops still in Narvik, Norway known as Operation Alphabet begins.

No. 4 Squadron, operating Westland Lysanders, is the last squadron of the RAF component British Air Forces in France to leave France.

25th May 1940

No. 82 Squadron Bristol Blenheims attack German columns in Marke, Belgium, whilst Westland Lysanders of No. 613 Squadron attack German positions at Peuplingues, France. Losing no aircraft.

26th May 1940

The order is given to implement Operation Dynamo and begin evacuating Allied troops from Dunkirk, France. Ships from the Royal Navy as well as civilian ships, later known as the little ships of Dunkirk, will take part. In the air a total of 32 Squadrons from the Royal Air Force will take part in providing cover.

Flying from HMS Glorious (77) No. 46 Squadron Hurricane Mk Is arrive in Norway, some landing at Skanland and the rest at Bardufoss.

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28th May 1940

After eighteen days fighting King Leopold III orders the Belgian army to surrender, this comes into force at 4:00am.

A Blackburn Roc from No. 806 Naval Air Squadron shots down a Junkers Ju 88, this would be the Roc's only confirmed victory.

29th May 1940

Over Dunkirk, France the RAF control fighter operations for the first time using Very High Frequency Radio Telephone.

30th May 1940

As the evacuation of Dunkirk, France enters its fourth day 134,000 troops have been rescued. Far in excess of the anticipated 45,000 that could be rescued before the expected German advance stopped further rescues.

31st May 1940

Fairey Albacores of No. 826 Naval Air Squadron attack E-boats at Zeebrugge, Belgium and transport links at Westende, Belgium. Meanwhile nine Blackburn Skuas of No. 801 Naval Air Squadron are tasked with destroying pontoon bridges which have been built over the Nieuwpoort–Dunkirk Canal, north east of Dunkirk, France. On their return to base III./JG 26 Messerschmitt Bf 109Es, operating from Chievres, Belgium, intercept the aircraft shooting down two whilst losing one aircraft.

Sir Arnold Wilson MP is the first serving MP to be killed in action in the Second World War. The Conservative MP for Hitchin was an air gunner on Wellington Mk I (L7791) with No. 37 Squadron, which was shot down over France, he was 55 years old.

1st June 1940

Eight Fokker T-VIIIW sea planes from the Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service reach the UK. These would form the basis of No. 320 (Netherlands) Squadron based at RAF Pembroke Dock. This would be the first Dutch squadron within the Royal Air Force.

2nd June 1940

Over 300,000 troops have been evacuated as Operation Dynamo enters its sixth day.

3rd June 1940

Codenamed Operation Paula the Luftwaffe launch an attack to destroy the Armee de l'Air but British Intelligence tip off the French about the operation leading to the attack failing.

No. 71 (Bomber) Wing forms an expeditionary force to attack Italian targets if they declare war on Britain.

The Luftwaffe also bomb Paris, France killing 254 people.

4th June 1940

As the evacuation of Dunkirk, France ends a total of 338,226 Allied troops have been rescued. During this same period the RAF suffer heavy losses with 177 aircraft destroyed for 262 enemy aircraft claimed.

In an address to Parliament, Prime Minister Winston Churchill speaks of Britain's intention to fight on:

We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

5th June 1940

Germany begins Case Red which sees them attack across the Aisne and Somme rivers for the second part of their invasion of France. Meanwhile the Luftwaffe perform small raids targeting the east and south east of Britain, with the first recorded bombs falling on Coventry. Whilst Coastal Command start patrolling French ports for signs of invasion.

7th June 1940

The British Government takes the decision to evacuate remaining troops and aircraft currently in Norway, this leads to King Haakon VII and the Norwegian Government leaving for Britain aboard HMS Devonshire (39).

Flying Officer Edgar Kain, who become the Royal Air Force's first ace of the Second World War, dies at the age of 21 in a flying accident in Hurricane Mk I (L1826), whilst with No. 73 Squadron.

8th June 1940

As Operation Alphabet, the evacuation of Allied troops still in Narvik, Norway, ends the remaining aircraft of Nos. 46 and 263 Squadron in Norway board HMS Glorious (77) which is attacked and sunk by the German battleships Gneisenau and Scharnhorst. Over 1,200 people die and only two aircraft survive.

Nos. 17 and 242 Squadron, operating Hurricane Mk Is, arrive in France to bolster the Advanced Air Striking Force.

9th June 1940

The French Government leaves Paris.

10th June 1940

After fighting for sixty two days Norway surrenders to Germany whilst Italy declares war on Britain and France, invading France the same day.

The evacuation of Allied troops from Le Havre, France, Operation Cycle, begins.

11th June 1940

Prime Minister Winston Churchill flies to France whilst the French Government arrives in Tours. The Fiat headquarters and manufacturing plant in Turin, Italy are bombed by 36 Armstrong Whitworth Whitleys, comprised from Nos. 10, 51, 58, 77 and 102 Squadron, flying from RAF airfields on the Channel Islands.

The Hurricane Mk II prototype makes its first flight.

13th June 1940

On the same day Paris is declared an open city by the French military governor there, General Hering, Operation Cycle ends with 11,059 soldiers evacuated.

14th June 1940

German troops enter Paris, France, whilst equipment and personnel begin to be evacuated from the Channel Islands by Jersey Airways and No. 24 Squadron. While in Britain church bells are now only to be rung if an invasion is happening.

No. 610 Squadron Spitfires in Vic formation ©

15th June 1940

The evacuation of civilians and Allied forces from ports in Western France, known as Operation Aerial, begins. The remaining Fairey Battles of the Advanced Air Striking Force carry out a final attack, after this they will return to Britain.

Operating from airfields in Southern France eight Vickers Wellingtons, comprising aircraft from Nos. 99 and 149 Squadron, bomb Genoa, Italy.

16th June 1940

Paul Reynaud is replaced as French Prime Minster by Marshal Henri-Philippe Pétain who announces his plans to seek an armistice with Germany.

17th June 1940

Nos. 17 and 501 Squadron are ordered to the Channel Islands, whilst France request peace negations with Germany begin. The Lancastria is sunk whilst evacuating Allied troops and civilians, more than 4,000 people die of the estimated 6,000 aboard. This is Britain's greatest ever maritime disaster and news of the sinking is kept hidden from the British public until after the war.

18th June 1940

Nos. 1, 73 and 242 Squadron, operating Hurricane Mk Is, are the last RAF squadrons to leave France for Britain. Whilst for the Luftwaffe's first major night raid they target Canvey Island and its oil storage facilities as well as a number of airfields and other targets. This results in the first British civilian casualties of the Second World War.

The Ministry of Information begins to distribute a leaflet titled 'If the Invader Comes' telling people what to do in the event of a German invasion.

General Charles de Gaulle in a broadcast on the BBC to the people of France calls on his fellow countrymen to continue the war by joining him in Britain, meanwhile in the House of Commons Prime Minister Winston Churchill warns of the upcoming Battle of Britain:

What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

19th June 1940

On the same day Nos. 17 and 501 Squadron leave the Channel Islands to return to the UK, Hull is bombed by the Luftwaffe for the first time.

21st June 1940

Armistice negotiations between France and Germany begin, whilst five Blackburn Rocs and four Blackburn Skuas, from No. 801 Naval Air Squadron, attack gun positions at Cap Gris-Nez, France.

22nd June 1940

After 6 weeks and 4 days of fighting the Battle of France ends as France agrees an armistice with Germany. During this period the Royal Air Force lose 959 aircraft to the Luftwaffe's 1,428 aircraft.

No. 14 Group, part of Fighter Command, is disbanded.

23rd June 1940

Armistice talks between Italy and France start.

24th June 1940

France signs an armistice with Italy.

25th June 1940

The armistice between France and Germany/Italy comes into force at 00:35. This would see three fifths of France under occupation with a free zone in the South governed from Vichy. Some small sections of Southern France near the Italian border would be occupied by Italy. There would also be a 31 mile demilitarised zone established on the border of Italy and Switzerland.

Operation Aerial ends. Combined with Operation Dynamo and Operation Cycle a total of 558,032 people were evacuated to safety from France.

Group Captain Philip F. Fullard will head the reformed No. 14 Group, Fighter Command which will provide cover for most of Scotland.

14 Group (Fighter Command) is re-formed

27th June 1940

German forces reach the French border with Spain meaning France is now completely occupied, whilst the Luftwaffe raids Liverpool, Newcastle and Southampton, with Swansea coming under attack for the first time.

28th June 1940

In the evening St Peter Port in Guernsey is attacked by the Luftwaffe, killing 33 people. Jersey's La Rocque Harbour, and the surrounding area, also come under attack with 10 people killed. Both raids leave over 100 people injured.

General Charles de Gaulle is recognised as the leader of the Free French Forces by Britain.

30th June 1940

Hermann Goring, Reichsminister of Aviation, issues a directive with the aim of destroying the RAF as a precursor to the invasion of Britain.

German forces begin their occupation of the Channel Islands as the Luftwaffe takes control of Guernsey airfield.

1st July 1940

Jersey, part of the Channel Islands, surrenders.

No. 808 Naval Air Squadron equipped with Fairey Fulmar Mk Is is formed at RNAS Worthy Down and is the second Fleet Air Arm squadron to serve with Fighter Command.

2nd July 1940

Hitler orders preliminary plans for the invasion of Britain, Operation Sealion, to be drawn up.

3rd July 1940

Operation Catapult is carried out by the Royal Navy, this saw two battle-cruisers and six battleships of the French fleet based at Mers-el-Kébir attacked to stop them failing into German hands. The attack saw one sunk and five damaged and the loss of 1,297 French servicemen.

Bomber Command starts targeting invasion barges and the Luftwaffe bomb Cardiff for the first time.

6th July 1940

Plymouth comes under attack from the Luftwaffe for the first time.

8th July 1940

No. 11 Group, Fighter Command which covers the South of England is split into two groups with the newly re-established No. 10 Group, Fighter Command, headed by Air Vice-Marshal Sir Christopher Quintin Brand, responsible for covering the South West of England and South West Wales.

10 Group (Fighter Command) is formed

9th July 1940

Norwich is bombed by the Luftwaffe for the first time, killing twenty-seven people during an afternoon raid.

Phase One – Channel Shipping Targeted
10th July 1940 - 11th August 1940

Aircraft available at the beginning of the battle
Fighter Command (656)
Luftwaffe (Over 2,000)
Hurricane Mk I (29 squadrons) Bf 109
Spitfire Mk I (19 squadrons) Bf 110
Blenheim Mk IF (6 squadrons) Ju 88
Defiant Mk I (2 squadrons) Do 17
He 111
Ju 87

10th July 1940

The Battle of Britain begins as coastal targets and shipping come under attack from the Luftwaffe, which they call Channel Battle.

Sergeant Ian Clenshaw, aged 22, is the first official casualty of the battle. Flying Hurricane Mk I (P3359) with No. 253 Squadron on a dawn patrol from RAF Kirton-in-Lindsey, he crashed near the Humber as a result of bad weather. It was Flying Officer Peter Higgs who was the first Royal Air Force pilot lost in combat in the battle. Flying with No. 111 Squadron from RAF Croydon, his Hurricane Mk I (P3671) came under attack from a BF 109E of III/JG 51 off Folkestone, Kent. During the ensuing battle he collied with a Do 17, he was 23 years old.

The Vichy France Government is established, led by Marshal Henri-Philippe Pétain.

No. 310 Squadron is formed at RAF Duxford, they will use the Hawker Hurricane.

Order of Battle
Fighter Command - 10th July 1940

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 29 airmen | 41 aircraft

11th July 1940

Coastal areas start to come under attack as Portland, Poole and other areas in the south of Britain are targeted.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 41 airmen | 17 aircraft

12th July 1940

Convoy 'Booty' is targeted by Heinkel He 111s from III./KG 53 and II./KG 2 Dornier Do 17Zs whilst off the coast of East Anglia. They are intercepted by Hurricane Mk 1s from Nos. 17, 85 and 151 Squadron.

Aberdeen also comes under attack when He 111s of 9./KG 26 bomb the city. 29 people are killed with over 100 injured. Spitfire Mk IAs from No. 603 Squadron shot down one of the raiders.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 28 airmen | 9 aircraft

13th July 1940

Minelaying operations are started by the Luftwaffe. Whilst instructions are issued to Training Command to get ready as many aircraft as possible to be used on anti-invasion sorties.

23 year old Flight Lieutenant John Kennedy is the first Australian casualty of the Battle of Britain. Flying Hurricane Mk I (P2950) with No. 238 Squadron, he was attacking a Dornier Do 17 over Chesil Beach, Dorset when he was hit by return fire. As a result his aircraft stalled and crashed.

No. 302 Squadron is formed at RAF Leconfield, they will use the Hawker Hurricane and are the first Polish fighter squadron to be formed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 6 aircraft

14th July 1940

In response to Luftwaffe Red Cross aircraft shadowing British convoys, the Royal Air Force issue a communique stating that Luftwaffe Red Cross aircraft engaged in operations other than search and rescue were doing so at their own risk.

The BBC Home Service broadcasts a report by Charles Gardner on an air battle near Dover which includes Hurricane Mk Is of No. 615 Squadron and Junkers Ju 87s.

Winston Churchill addresses the nation:

All goes to show that the war will be long and hard. No one can tell where it will spread. One thing is certain: the peoples of Europe will not be ruled for long by the Nazi Gestapo, nor will the world yield itself to Hitler’s gospel of hatred, appetite and domination.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 3 airmen | 3 aircraft

15th July 1940

The Westland Aircraft factory in Yeovil is bombed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 6 airmen | 5 aircraft

16th July 1940

Directive No. 16 is issued by Adolf Hitler which calls for Operation Sealion, the invasion of Britain, preparations to begin. One of the conditions for invasion stipulates that:

The English Air Force must be so reduced morally and physically that it is unable to deliver any significant attack against the German Army.
Read the Directive

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 4 airmen | 4 aircraft

17th July 1940

The Luftwaffe attack British shipping convoys off Aberdeen and the Isle of Wight.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 15 airmen | 4 aircraft

19th July 1940

On the day that Hitler delivers a speech with a peace offer for Britain more shipping is attacked in the English Channel. Boulton Paul Defiant's of No. 141 Squadron enter the battle but Hurricanes of No. 111 Squadron are sent to cover No. 141 Squadron after six of the nine sent on convoy patrol near Folkestone are shot down. This was No. 141 Squadrons only daylight fighter operation during the battle.

RNLI Launch
Ramsgate – Rescues Pilot Officer Eric Farnes of No. 141 Squadron

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 11 airmen | 10 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 13 airmen | 5 aircraft

20th July 1940

Kent, Suffolk, Bristol and the Isle of Wight all come under attack from the Luftwaffe as do convoys off Dover and Swanage.

Air Vice-Marshal Malcolm Henderson takes over command of No. 14 Group, Fighter Command.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 7 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 18 airmen | 12 aircraft

21st July 1940

Six Fairey Battles, three from No. 103 Squadron and three from No. 150 Squadron, attack oil storage tanks in Rotterdam, Netherlands whilst Adolf Hitler declares that the 15th September 1940 is the latest date for Operation Sealion to take place.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 12 aircraft

22nd July 1940

Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax dismisses Hitler's peace offer.

Further attacks by the Luftwaffe on convoys off the south and east coast.

Gloster Sea Gladiators of No. 804 Naval Air Squadron fly their first sortie of the battle.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 6 airmen | 4 aircraft

23rd July 1940

A Bristol Blenheim Mk IF, of the Fighter Interception Unit based at RAF Tangmere, equipped with Airborne Interception radar becomes the first Royal Air Force aircraft to shoot down another using this system when a Dornier Do 17 is attacked.

The Local Defence Volunteers is renamed the Home Guard.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 10 airmen | 6 aircraft

24th July 1940

During a radio broadcast, Lord Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, thanks the public for their role in fighter aircraft production.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 7 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 19 aircraft

25th July 1940

Portland is attacked as is Convoy CW8 near Dover, five ships are sunk.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 7 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 19 aircraft

26th July 1940

Due to heavy losses all daylight movements of merchant ships through the Straits of Dover are stopped by the Admiralty.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 9 airmen | 5 aircraft

27th July 1940

HMS Wren (D88) is sunk and HMS Montrose (D01) damaged after coming under attack from He 111s, whilst the South West is bombed during the night.

The Bristol Beaufighter Mk I enters RAF service.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 12 airmen | 5 aircraft

29th July 1940

Royal Navy ships are to stop daylight movements in the Straits of Dover under new Admiralty orders.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 25 airmen | 11 aircraft

30th July 1940

Shipping is attacked off Ordforness, Clacton and Harwich.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 21 airmen | 9 aircraft

1st August 1940

Norwich station and the nearby Boulton Paul Aircraft Works came under attack whilst propaganda leaflets entitled 'A Last Appeal to Reason' by Adolf Hitler with his speech made on the 19th July are dropped over parts of the UK.

No. 247 Squadron is formed with a flight of Gloster Gladiator Mk IIs at RNAS Roborough.

That same day Hitler orders the destruction of the RAF to begin on or after the 5th August with the issuing of Directive No. 17, stating:

The German Air Force is to overpower the English Air Force with all force at its command, in the shortest possible time. The attacks are to be directed primarily against flying units, their ground installations, and their supply organizations, but also against the aircraft industry, including that manufacturing anti-aircraft equipment.
Read the Directive

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 13 aircraft

2nd August 1940

Herman Goring issues the Eagle Day directive. This would see plans devised with the intention of destroying the Royal Air Force and allow the invasion of the UK to occur, Operation Sealion.

While serving with No. 12 Operational Training Unit, Pilot Officer Richard Shuttleworth dies when his Fairey Battle Mk I (L4971) crashes. He was 31.

No. 303 Squadron is formed at RAF Northolt, equipped with Hawker Hurricane Mk Is, becoming the second Polish squadron to be formed.

Appointed to the war cabinet:

Not an MP
Lord Beaverbrook  -  Minister of Aircraft Production

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 3 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 16 airmen | 7 aircraft

3rd August 1940

The Firth of Forth comes under attack from the Luftwaffe.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 6 aircraft

7th August 1940

The Luftwaffe raid a number of areas across the United Kingdom including Aberdeen, Poole and Liverpool.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 4 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 5 airmen | 3 aircraft

8th August 1940

The Luftwaffe starts to target British ports and harbours.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 20 airmen | 21 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 30 airmen | 24 aircraft

9th August 1940

Birmingham is bombed by the Luftwaffe for the first time.

No. 9 Group, Fighter Command is formed. This will cover Northern Ireland and the North West of England.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 3 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 13 airmen | 6 aircraft

10th August 1940

The Boulton Paul Aircraft Works in Norwich is attacked again.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft

11th August 1940

Channel Battle ends.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 25 airmen | 28 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 48 airmen | 38 aircraft

Phase Two – The Royal Air Force are Targeted
12th August 1940 - 6th September 1940

12th August 1940

In an effort to entice Royal Air Force fighters into combat, airfields mainly in No. 11 Group, Fighter Command, headed by Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, come under attack from the Luftwaffe. Radar stations also come under heightened attack.

In the evening Handley Page Hampden Mk Is, from Nos. 49 and 83 Squadron, perform a successful attack on the Dortmund-Ems Canal in Germany. As a result, delivery of invasion barges is disrupted for a number of days. As a result of his actions during the attack, Flight Lieutenant Roderick Learoyd will be awarded the Victoria Cross (read the citation).

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 11 airmen | 18 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 52 airmen | 32 aircraft

13th August 1940

Around 1,500 German aircraft take part in Eagle Day as the Luftwaffe attack radar stations and airfields. This would be the first of a number of large raids with the intention of stopping the Royal Air Force being an effective fighting force. Night time raids see the Luftwaffe target a number of locations, including the Castle Bromwich Spitfire factory and the Dunlop factory.

On the same day twelve Blenheim Mk IVs of No. 82 Squadron are dispatched on a daylight raid to Denmark targeting Aaalborg airfield. Eleven of the Blenheims are shot down whilst one had returned to base with technical problems. Only 13 of the 33 airmen survive as prisoners of war. In the space of three months No. 82 Squadron has effectively been destroyed twice.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 15 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 66 airmen | 39 aircraft

14th August 1940

RAF Middle Wallop and RAF Warmwell are bombed as part of the Luftwaffe's continuing effort to destroy the Royal Air Force.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 35 airmen | 20 aircraft

15th August 1940

Prime Minister Winston Churchill is at Bentley Priory, Fighter Command's headquarters, alongside Sir Hugh Dowding, as further large scale raids are undertaken by the Luftwaffe. With 75 aircraft lost this was the most costly day for the Luftwaffe during the battle and they would later refer to the day as 'Black Thursday'.

The Short's factory at Rochester is bombed. The damage inflicted means production of the Short Stirling is hampered for three months.

No. 302 is the first Polish fighter squadron to be given operational status and serves as part of No. 12 Group, Fighter Command.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 11 airmen | 35 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 128 airmen | 75 aircraft

Bentley Priory as it looks today

16th August 1940

Flight Lieutenant James Brindley Nicolson of No. 249 Squadron flying a Hurricane Mk I (P3576) is awarded Fighter Command's only Victoria Cross (read the citation) of the war after shooting down a Messerschmitt Bf 110 whilst wounded.

I immediately pulled my feet up on to the seat and at the same time - I put nose down and dived steep-turning right. Saw ME.110 diving at same angle and converging - opened fire at approx 200 yds, and fired till I could bear heat no more.

Read the full combat report

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 11 airmen | 24 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 55 airmen | 44 aircraft

17th August 1940

On the day that Liverpool suffers its first bombing raid the Air Ministry orders that airfields in occupied Europe where the Luftwaffe are attacking from come under heavier attacks from Bomber Command.

American pilot Billy Fiske, of No. 601 Squadron, dies at the age of 29, as a result of injuries received the previous day when landing his damaged Hurricane at RAF Tangmere.

In an attempt to weaken Britain, Hitler orders a total blockade.

No. 1 (Fighter) Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force, based at RAF Northolt and equipped with Hawker Hurricane Mk Is, becomes the first operational Canadian squadron in the Royal Air Force.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 6 airmen | 5 aircraft

18th August 1940

Further large scale attacks take place by the Luftwaffe as RAF airfields come under attack in the South and South East. These include RAF Kenley, RAF Biggin Hill and RAF West Malling leading to huge loss of aircraft on the ground. These attacks were designed to immobilise Fighter Command once and for all. The Luftwaffe also attack Sheffield for the first time.

Around 100 Junkers Ju 87 Stukas of StG 77, escorted by over 60 Messerschmitt Bf 109s, are tasked with attacking RAF Thorney Island, RNAS Ford, RNAS Gosport and Poling radar station. They are intercepted by Nos. 43 and 601 Squadron Hurricane Mk Is and Nos. 152 and 602 Squadron Spitfire Mk IAs. In the combat that follows the RAF claim 14 Ju 87s shot down. The Ju 87 had been suffering heavy losses over Britain, and as a result operations with the aircraft began to be scaled back.

No. 310 Squadron is declared operational.

This day would see the highest combined losses for the Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe during the battle and would lead to Britain calling it 'The Hardest Day'.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 10 airmen | 33 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 97 airmen | 67 aircraft

19th August 1940

A change in tactics is issued by Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, Air Officer Commanding No. 11 Group, Fighter Command, from now on fighters are to operate over land or within gliding distance and prioritise bombers.

With losses of aircrew mounting the time fighter pilots will spend in Operational Training Units is cut from 6 months to 2 weeks.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 5 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 23 airmen | 11 aircraft

20th August 1940

In a speech to the House of Commons, Winston Churchill praises the pilots of the Royal Air Force, not just Fighter Command, but also Bomber Command.

The gratitude of every home in our Island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of the world war by their prowess and by their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 8 aircraft

21st August 1940

Abbeville airfield in France attacked by Bristol Blenheim Mk IVs of No. 53 Squadron.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 4 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 29 airmen | 14 aircraft

23rd August 1940

South Wales comes under attack.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 20 airmen | 8 aircraft

24th August 1940

The Luftwaffe increase the pressure on the RAF as over 500 aircraft take part in a number of raids, including on Portsmouth, Ramsgate, which killed 29 people, and a devastating raid on RAF Manston which kills a number of personnel and leads to the airfield being evacuated. During the raid, No. 264 Squadron's Boulton Paul Defiants were in action. They claimed three Junkers Ju 88s and a Messerschmitt Bf 109, for the loss of three aircraft. This included the Defiant Mk I (N1535) of Squadron Leader Philip Hunter, 27, and his gunner Pilot Officer Frederick King, 24.

Night time attacks by the Luftwaffe start to increase leading to a major turning point in the battle when the centre of London is accidentally bombed against Hitler's orders.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 10 airmen | 20 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 46 airmen | 41 aircraft

25th August 1940

After the bombing of London over 70 bombers comprising Vickers Wellingtons, Handley Page Hampdens and Armstrong Whitworth Whitleys are sent to raid Berlin, Germany for the first time.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 13 airmen | 18 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 20 airmen | 23 aircraft

26th August 1940

Campile in County Wexford, Ireland is bombed by the Luftwaffe killing three people. A protest to Germany is made by Ireland.

No. 1 (Fighter) Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force engage the Luftwaffe, the first RCAF squadron to do so, over Southern England, whilst No. 310 Squadron are in action for the first time.

To help improve the chances of RAF fighters intercepting Germain raids Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, Air Officer Commanding No. 11 Group, Fighter Command issues instructions that information on the enemy raid should be detailed by formation leaders back to controllers on sighting enemy aircraft.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 7 airmen | 29 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 44 airmen | 42 aircraft

28th August 1940

During the day London, the Midlands and the North East Coast come under attack, whilst during the night Liverpool suffers a heavy attack. This day would also be the Defiant's last as a day fighter.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 10 airmen | 15 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 46 airmen | 32 aircraft

29th August 1940

Once again Liverpool comes under attack at night whilst the Midlands is attacked during the day.

Ireland receive an apology from Germany over the bombing of Campile in County Wexford.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 10 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 46 airmen | 24 aircraft

30th August 1940

In the morning the Luftwaffe sends over 120 aircraft in three waves, with the South Coast coming under attack. In the afternoon another three waves of German aircraft cross the English Channel and the Vauxhall car factory in Luton is bombed, 39 people are killed.

For the third night in a row Liverpool is bombed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 9 airmen | 25 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 57 airmen | 40 aircraft

31st August 1940

As the air battle intensifies Fighter Command losses 41 aircraft, this will be the highest daily loss for it during the battle. Once again Royal Air Force airfields in the South and South East Coast come under attack. During the night Liverpool suffers its fourth consecutive day of bombing, when over 100 aircraft attack the City.

No. 303 Squadron become fully operational flying the Hurricane Mk I. This is thanks in part to Flying Officer Ludwik Paszkiewicz who shot down a Messerschmitt Bf 110 the previous day. They would go on to become the highest scoring squadron of the battle with 126 victories.

The Spitfire Mk II makes its operational debut in the hands of No. 611 Squadron based at RAF Digby.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 9 airmen | 41 aircraf
Luftwaffe - 21 airmen | 39 aircraft

1st September 1940

The airfields of Fighter Command come under heavy attack with RAF Biggin Hill being damaged so much it would be classed as non-operational for a short period. During the night Liverpool was targeted again.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 13 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 15 airmen | 16 aircraft

2nd September 1940

The Luftwaffe once again targets Royal Air Force airfields in the South East, including RAF North Weald, RAF Gravesend and RAF Biggin Hill. During the night Liverpool comes under attack.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 14 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 31 airmen | 37 aircraft

3rd September 1940

Airfields across Britain are attacked with night time again bringing the Luftwaffe to Liverpool for the sixth night in a row. No. 19 Squadron, which had been using cannon armed Spitfire Mk IBs, will convert back to machine-gun equipped Spitfire Mk IAs after continuing problems with the cannons.

The 21st September is set as the date for Operation Sealion by Adolf Hitler.

RNLI Launch
Margate – Rescues Flying Officer Richard Hillary of No. 603 Squadron

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 15 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 21 airmen | 20 aircraft

4th September 1940

During the afternoon the Vickers factory at Brooklands suffers a heavy attack which destroys a number of buildings and kills 88 people and injures over 400.

The Fighter Interception Unit, based at RAF Shoreham perform the Beaufighter Mk IF's first operational sortie.

Adolf Hitler says he will erase British cities in a speech in response to the Royal Air Force raid on Berlin, Germany the previous month.

And if the British Air Force drops two, three or four thousand kilos of bombs, then we will drop 150,000, 180,000, 230,000, 300,000 or 400,000 kilos, or more, in one night. If they declare that they will attack our cities on a large scale, we will erase theirs!

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 12 airmen | 17 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 24 airmen | 28 aircraft

5th September 1940

No. 312 Squadron is made operational operating Hawker Hurricane Mk Is from RAF Duxford.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 8 airmen | 20 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 36 airmen | 27 aircraft

The operations room at Duxford as it would have looked like during 1940

6th September 1940

As a result of intelligence obtained by the Royal Air Force showing preparations for invasion were continuing, an alert to prepare for invasion is issued.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 7 airmen | 20 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 36 airmen | 33 aircraft

Phase Three – The Blitz Begins
7th September 1940 - 30th September 1940

7th September 1940

The Luftwaffe makes its first co-ordinated raid on Central London when just after 17:00 around 965 aircraft attacked the Dockland areas, Woolwich and Purfleet. Further raids followed on the East End and Central London and when the attack ended at 4:30 the following morning 430 people had been killed. This would be the first of 57 consecutive nights of bombing on the capital.

The first use of the 'Big Wing' tactic championed by Air Vice-Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory, Commander of No. 12 Group, Fighter Command and Acting Squadron Leader Douglas Bader occurs. This sees the Duxford Wing, which consists of Nos. 242, 312 and 19 Squadrons sent to patrol RAF North Weald.

That night twelve Fairey Battles from Nos. 103 and 150 Squadron attack barges at Calais Harbour, France.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 16 airmen | 25 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 52 airmen | 41 aircraft

8th September 1940

During an air raid the shelter housing people and visitors from the Peabody Estate, Whitechapel suffers a direct hit, killing 78 people.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 5 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 29 airmen | 16 aircraft

9th September 1940

Targets across London come under attack during the day and into the night.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 17 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 38 airmen | 30 aircraft

10th September 1940

Italy's Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force) will take part in the Battle of Britain. Operating from Belgium around 200 aircraft will become part of the Regia Aeronautica air expeditionary force which is formed for this purpose and called the Corpo Aereo Italiano (Italian Air Corps).

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 13 aircraft

11th September 1940

During the day London, Portsmouth and Southampton are raided by the Luftwaffe whilst during the night London is attacked again.

Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, Air Officer Commanding No. 11 Group, Fighter Command issues further tactical changes, with Spitfires to target the fighter escort and Hurricanes to focus on the bombers and close escort.

Hitler postpones the decision on whether the invasion of Britain will go ahead until the 14th September, while in a speech, Prime Minister Winston Churchill warns that if Germany is to invade it must happen soon.

If this invasion is going to be tried at all, it does not seem that it can be long delayed. The weather may break at any time. Besides this, it is difficult for the enemy to keep these gatherings of ships waiting about indefinitely, while they are bombed every night by our bombers, and very often shelled by our warships which are waiting for them outside.
Read the speech Listen to the speech Listen to the speech

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 18 airmen | 29 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 35 airmen | 29 aircraft

13th September 1940

No. 966 Balloon Squadron scores a balloon barrages first victory when a Heinkel He 111 crashes near Newport, Wales.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 3 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 10 airmen | 7 aircraft

14th September 1940

Winston Churchill tells the nation in a radio broadcast that the German invasion “if it is to come, will come soon”. For the second time Adolf Hitler delays the decision on invading Britain, this time until the 17th September.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 13 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 13 aircraft

15th September 1940

The Luftwaffe launch an attack in a bid to finally overcome the Royal Air Force and win the battle for air superiority. London would be attacked twice, first at 11:00 when two waves of aircraft totalling around 250 bombed the capital. Then at 14:00 two waves of aircraft, again around 250, attacked London. Southampton and Portland were also targeted, whilst during the night a further raid on London occurred.

Meanwhile dogfights took place in the skies as both sides suffered heavy losses with the RAF losing 31 aircraft and 16 aircrew whilst the Luftwaffe lost 61 aircraft and 93 aircrew. After failing to inflict a decisive blow to the RAF the Luftwaffe would start to reduce attacks.

The Fairey Battle, which had suffered horrendous losses during the Battle of France, carries out its last sortie as a bomber by a UK based squadron.

This day would later become known as 'Battle of Britain Day'.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 16 airmen | 31 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 93 airmen | 61 aircraft

Spitfires of No. 222 Squadron take off ©

17th September 1940

Operation Sealion is postponed until otherwise ordered by Hitler.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 14 airmen | 8 aircraft

18th September 1940

London again comes under attack during the day and night.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 12 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 36 airmen | 20 aircraft

19th September 1940

Raids take place across the UK as London again is bombed as are targets along the Essex and Sussex coast. During the night the South West, Midlands and London come under attack.

Invasion barges are once again targeted by the Royal Air Force.

Air Vice-Marshal Wilfred McClaughry is appointed Air Officer Commanding No. 9 Group, Fighter Command.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 22 airmen | 10 aircraft

21st September 1940

421 Flight is formed, equipped with Spitfires and Hurricanes they will patrol at height to monitor incoming raids. They will pass on information about the raids to ground controllers.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 14 airmen | 11 aircraft

24th September 1940

Tilbury and Southampton come under attack during the day whilst at night London is attacked again.

To recognise acts of bravery by civilians and military personal during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz, King George VI initiated the George Medal and George Cross “for acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger”.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 12 airmen | 11 aircraft

25th September 1940

The Bristol Aircraft Company based at Filton, Bristol is bombed. 92 people are killed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 25 airmen | 16 aircraft

26th September 1940

Southampton comes under attack twice during the day and as a result the Supermarine factory at Woolston is put out of action and 110 people are killed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 8 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 18 airmen | 9 aircraft

27th September 1940

The Tripartite Pact is signed by Germany, Italy and Japan, whilst in Britain bombers on anti-invasion standby are freed up.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 20 airmen | 28 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 81 airmen | 57 aircraft

30th September 1940

London again comes under attack by the Luftwaffe during the night.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 8 airmen | 21 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 59 airmen | 47 aircraft

Phase Four – The Battle Reaches Its Conclusion
1st October 1940 - 31st October 1940

1st October 1940

The Luftwaffe start to change tactics with bombers attacking at night and fighter-bombers during the day.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 7 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 16 airmen | 9 aircraft

3rd October 1940

The de Havilland Aircraft Company factory at Hatfield is attacked by a sole Junkers Ju 88. As a result 21 people are killed and 70 injured with some materials for de Havilland's new Mosquito aircraft destroyed. The Ju 88 was later shot down by anti-aircraft fire with the crew ending up as prisoners of war.

Worcester also comes under attack with the Mining and Engineering Company being bombed by a single aircraft. As a result seven people are killed and at least fifty were injured, with production disrupted for the next five days.

Sir John Anderson, previously Minister of Home Security, replaces Neville Chamberlain as Lord President of the Council and will join the war cabinet, as a result of Chamberlain's resignation due to ill health.

Appointed to the war cabinet:

Sir Kingsley Wood  -  Chancellor of the Exchequer
Ernest Bevin  -  Minister of Labour and National Service
Sir John Anderson  -  Lord President of the Council

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 21 airmen | 9 aircraft

5th October 1940

Air Marshal Sir Richard Peirse replaces Sir Charles Portal as Bomber Command's Air Officer Commander-in-Chief.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 7 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 15 airmen | 14 aircraft

6th October 1940

Coastal towns and targets of interest come under attack during the day from Luftwaffe fighter-bombers. Meanwhile the RAF target barges at Dutch ports amongst other targets.

Due to items being taken from crashed aircraft by members of the public, Lord Beaverbook, Minister of Aircraft Production, asks the public, in a statement, to refrain from doing so.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 9 aircraft

7th October 1940

No. 80 (Signals) Wing is formed at RAF Radlett and is the first electronic warfare unit of the Royal Air Force. They will be used to interrupt any aids used to help the Luftwaffe pinpoint their targets.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 19 aircraft

8th October 1940

Sergeant Josef Frantisek DFM of No. 303 Squadron who, with 17 victories, was the highest scoring Allied Battle of Britain pilot dies in a flying accident at the age of 27 when his Hurricane Mk I (R4175) crashes in Ewell, Surrey.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 8 airmen | 8 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 32 airmen | 17 aircraft

10th October 1940

Weymouth, Kent and London come under attack during the day. At night airfields are targeted as well as Manchester and London.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 8 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 13 airmen | 12 aircraft

12th October 1940

The National Gallery is hit by a bomb, destroying Room 10.

In an effort to keep the pressure on Britain to seek peace Hitler wants invasion preparations to continue, but postpones the invasion until spring 1941.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 11 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 7 airmen | 13 aircraft

14th October 1940

During a raid on London a bomb explodes at Balham Tube Station where a number of people are sheltering. In total nearly 70 people die.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 1 airmen | 4 aircraft

15th October 1940

104 people are killed when a trench shelter in Kennington Park, Lambeth suffers a direct hit. BBC Broadcasting House, in London, is bombed, killing seven people.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 15 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 12 airmen | 16 aircraft

19th October 1940

Liverpool, The Midlands, London and Bristol are all attacked during the night.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 4 airmen | 6 aircraft

20th October 1940

138 aircraft from Bomber Command attack a range of targets in Germany and Italy.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 5 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 11 airmen | 11 aircraft

21st October 1940

The West Country, Liverpool and London come under further daytime attacks.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 2 airmen | 2 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 10 airmen | 7 aircraft

22nd October 1940

During the night the Luftwaffe bombs London, Liverpool and Coventry.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 6 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 28 airmen | 12 aircraft

23rd October 1940

In the day attacks are made by aircraft flying alone in the South East and Midlands whilst at night Glasgow is bombed as is London again.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 1 airmen | 1 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 5 airmen | 4 aircraf

24th October 1940

The Corpo Aereo Italiano join the battle when 18 Fiat BR 20s take off from airfields in Belgium to raid Felixstowe and Harwich during the night.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 3 airmen | 3 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 21 airmen | 12 aircraft

25th October 1940

Aircraftman 1st Class Harry Clack, who was serving with No. 54 Maintenance Unit, dies while recovering a crashed Dornier Do 215 at Eaton Socon when he is electrocuted by overhead power lines. He was just 16 and is the Royal Air Force's youngest casualty of the war.

A Beaufighter Mk IF of No. 219 Squadron scores the types first aerial victory, shooting down a Dornier Do 17Z.

Air Marshal Sir Cyril Newall is replaced by Sir Charles Portal as Chief of the Air Staff.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 6 airmen | 14 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 30 airmen | 24 aircraft

26th October 1940

Fighter-bomber attacks are made on London and Kent whilst a number of major cities are bombed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 4 airmen | 8 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 19 airmen | 10 aircraft

28th October 1940

A Gloster Gladiator Mk II, flown by Pilot Officer Richard Winter, of No. 247 Squadron, based at RAF Roborough intercepts a Heinkel He 111 over Plymouth without result.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 10 airmen | 17 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 24 airmen | 12 aircraft

29th October 1940

The Corpo Aereo Italiano again attacks Britain as during the day 15 BR 20s, escorted by Fiat CR.42 Falcos and Fiat G.50s, bomb Ramsgate.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 5 airmen | 12 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 30 airmen | 28 aircraft

30th October 1940

The crew of No. 23 Squadron Blenheim Mk IF (L6721) are the last official casualties of the battle. Taking-off from RAF Ford, for a night patrol, the combination of bad weather and radio failure led to the aircraft crashing in South Bersted, Sussex, killing all three crew members. Pilot Flying Officer Herbert Woodward, 24, air gunner Pilot Officer Allan Atkinson, 32, and radar operator Sergeant Harry Perry, 23.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 9 airmen | 9 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 3 airmen | 8 aircraft

31st October 1940

After 3 months and 3 weeks the Battle of Britain ends. With the Luftwaffe's failure to gain air superiority over Southern Britain the invasion cannot take place during 1940. Although the Blitz will continue over the coming months as cities across the UK are bombed.

  Daily losses
Fighter Command - 0 airmen | 0 aircraft
Luftwaffe - 0 airmen | 2 aircraft

Total aircrew losses during the battle (10th July - 31st October)
Royal Air Force
Fighter Command
Bomber Command
Coastal Command
Prisoner of war
Fleet Air Arm
Ground Crew

Total aircraft losses during the battle (10th July - 31st October)
Royal Air Force
1,023 1,887

The Battle of Britain Ends, The Blitz Continues
1st November 1940 - 11th May 1941

With the battle now over and the Luftwaffe unable to overcome the Royal Air Force and daylight attacks proving costly in both aircrew and aircraft, the Luftwaffe would turn to night operations targeting cities with the intention to weaken civilian morale as a continuation of the Blitz. This would also see the rise of a new tactic adopted by the Germans of attacking cities on consecutive nights.

During the six months that followed the UK would suffer 135 major or heavy attacks with London being targeted the most, suffering a particularly devastating attack on the 29th December 1940, then Liverpool and Birmingham. Wherever there were factories vital to Britain's war industry the Luftwaffe would attack those cities, including Manchester with its A V Roe factory, Sheffield with its armament factories, Cardiff and its docks were bombed as were Hull's, the industrial area of Clydebank and Glasgow and the docks and shipyard at Belfast also come under attack.

One of the worst raids of the Blitz occurred on the 14th November 1940 when the Luftwaffe launched Operation Moonlight Sonata targeting Coventry. On that night 568 people were killed and the Cathedral destroyed when 437 aircraft bombed the city. This would lead to a new word by the Germans "to coventrieren" (to Coventrate). The 23rd November 1940 saw Southampton attacked heavily for the first time as well. November would also see Air Marshal Sir William Sholto Douglas replace Sir Hugh Dowding as Commander-in-Chief of Fighter Command on the 25th. Four days later, on the 29th November 1940, Liverpool was attacked again and 166 people died when the shelter at Edge Hill Training Centre received a direct hit from a parachute mine, whilst former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin had died at the age of 71 on the 9th November.

December 1940 would see No. 66 Squadron perform the first Rhubarb fighter sweep over Europe on the 20th as Fighter Command started to go on the offensive.

The last major bombing raid of this period was on the 11th May 1941, when London was attacked, with over 1,400 people killed. When the Blitz officially ended the same day, it brought to an end 8 months and 10 days of attacks which saw over 40,000 people lose their lives. Although Adolf Hitler turned his attention to the invasion of the Soviet Union, this wasn't the end of attacks on the UK, as over the coming months and years the Luftwaffe would return.

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